Saturday, December 17, 2011

Barry Cassidy Blog: the origin of my running for office

It was not long ago that i got a call from Josh Maxwell, the mayor of downingtown asking to meet with me.  I brought along karen and he proceeded to tell me about how he was going to run for office in the new 45th state representative district.  he asked my support and inbetween bites of some eggs and bacon i agreed to support him.  i think he is a nice young man.

when i returned home karen asked why i was not interested in running.  i told her "well baby the 40 thousand dollar cut in pay is 40 large reasons why"....she looked me in the eye and said..."i will help sweetie (she calls me sweetie all the time), don't worry about the money....we will make due...if you want to do great things....go ahead."

the first thing i always tell a community when there is talk of revitalization is "don't worry about the money, decide what you are going to do. I'll get the money"

my wife was behind me.  so i decided to do it.

karen & barry
in savannah georgia


  1. Ill be following your Progress Barry! Give em hell sir!!

  2. Thank you for what you have accomplished in Phoenixville. I thought my blog ID - Blogwalter would show instead of wpville.
