Saturday, January 21, 2012

Brownfield Remediation

I am currently the manager of 2 brownfield remediation projects located on the Phoenixville Steel Site.  I have worked through the plans to develop both sites.  I am aware how the Commonwealth needs to be involved with the project to ensure that the project is a success.

Many of the towns in the in the 45th district have brownfield problems, including the City of Coatesville, Downingtown and others i am sure.  The role of a state rep in the brownfield process is more than people think. The state has to be receptive to the project but by the same token the locals have to be realistic with their expectations.  A state rep needs to know how to look at a project and know what it takes to get the job done.

I completed a brownfield project in Downingtown called the O'Brien project which is now Main Street Village.  I live there.  It was the first CERCLA (Superfund) site cleaned up to statewide health (which is called sometime PRISTINE).  I know how problematic these sites can be for a municipality.  As a state representative you need to be able to marshall the resources to get the project done. You also need to be able to understand, as a representative for the commonwealth, what projects have a good chance of succeeding and which projects will tie up scarce resources for a long period of time.  Resources are scarce your state representative needs to understand the issues relating to economic development.

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